h street

Happy Sunday! Some photos from the H street festival!

I really liked this sign!
Hope you had an awesome weekend!  I need to get ready for bed but thought I'd post a couple of photos from the H Street Festival this past Saturday.  It was my first year going and I loved it - awesome music, food, crowd, and atmosphere.  I loved the laid-backness and the unpretentiousness of it...just people having a good time.  More later but my highlights of the festival:  Seeing all the food trucks, watching Phil Ade sing/rap, eating roasted corn with chili butter :), having a PBR while eating ribs/collard greens/potato salad and listening to a kick-ass DJ at the same time, and having an overdue meeting with a good friend from graduate school!

I understand why the Rita mascot was there (since there's one right on H) but why was the Mayonnaise guy there!???

I don't usually love crowds but I loved that people came out and supported H street.  I ESPECIALLY loved that people were sitting around on the sidewalk eating and talking...I'm not sure why.  It just makes me feel like people are less yuppy-like and more down to earth.  That's right, it's not Georgetown!!!!!!!

Nice pose, V!

