I say this every year but WHERE DID THE TIME GO? We welcomed Max into our family early summer and it's been non-stop fun and chaos ever since. I am still finding the right balance as a mother of two/wife/daughter/sister/government worker/photographer. When I went through my personal photographs from 2015, I noticed that I photographed less as the year progressed (I guess sleep deprivation kept me from picking up my camera) and that I am hardly in any of the photographs!!! It was such a bummer.
I make new year's resolutions every year but I have kept very few of them, especially the ones about exercising. So, I am going to be more realistic this year and make a couple of simpler ones that I intend to work very very hard to keep because they are really important to me:
1) Give my toddler as many hugs and snuggles as I give my baby boy. I've neglected her this last half of 2015 and I intend to make up for it. Yes, mom guilt...very severe.
2) Photograph a lot (without forgetting that I need to also put down that camera and enjoy my life with my family)! Evie and Max are growing so fast...and Jeremy and I are aging so fast (EW) and I want to remember it, all of it. I also want them to remember that I am a part of their lives, despite me being the one behind the lens the most. Which leads me to two personal projects for 2016: (1) a 365 project photographed entirely on film and (2) getting in the photographs with my kids once a month. I am hoping that by posting this on here, I won't back out, haha?
3) PRINT THESE PHOTOGRAPHS! Don't let your jpegs die as jpegs, everyone. I haven't printed many of my photographs and I keep thinking...what do I want to leave behind after I go away? Not my jpegs...I want to leave behinds albums and albums full of memories and I'd like to think that Evie and Max will flip through them by the fireplace or under blankets and reminisce about old times and tell stories to their next generation. This year, I plan to really catch up and make lots of albums and prints...and you should do the same.
Anyways, this has been an amazing year. I think about how lucky I've been to have this life and to have these people to share it with. Gosh, I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for me and my family.
Click on the photo to enlarge
*Po Chi Fung is a Washington DC and MD lifestyle and documentary family photographer serving Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville, and Potomac